Woke up feeling reeeeefreshed! Did a sheet mask was watching tv and busy tweeting and fell asleep. End of Day 1. Don't know how i managed to fall asleep while doing so many different things too. :/
Nautical top from EarlGreyParty & Pearly Navy Blue shorts from Platinum mall, 120baht i think, $5 SGD?! Lol
Was starving! Jacelyn and I settled at a brunch place beside the Macdonalds nearby our hotel.
If you're staying at I Residence in the future go to that cute little cafe!
Went shopping with Mus & Jacelyn @ Siam Square, MBK.. Found one of my favorite snack at MBK zhng iphone/bb level!
It's a super think crispy waffles plus coconut cream that taste like marshmallow and its SO DAMN SWEET AND DELICIOUS!
The one in the picture is strawberry flavored, Jacelyn tried it but i still like the original flavor (white) it's really really good, definitely try it if you happen to see it.
Taking the tuk tuk back to the hotel to prepare for our crazy night! It was New Year's Eve.
3 of us in the tuk tuk!
Yay! Both of us, all glam up and ready to party!
RCA, Slim. It's a R&B Club, omg only they have the best music ever!!!!!
Jacelyn & I bought our dresses @ Platinum Mall, if you noticed the 3 of us we're wearing the same sparkling heels also bought from Platinum Mall! Jacelyn & I got it in Gold and Nadnut got it in Silver.
Damn heels, keep pinching my feet the whole night, same for the other two as well. So we kicked off our heels and danced bare footed throughout the night. It's how good the music is, feet hurt like wanna die also wanna continue dancing! But now my pair of gold heels is season and super comfy, regret not buying another pair! LOL!
Got our chops and a bottle of alcohol & table.. went to the street and had street food!
Had this chicken noodle soup which was really yummmmmmeh~
Totally thought this chicken is real but it's actually FAKE! LOL!
Fahbian ordering our food for us!
Keep seeing all the waiters and club crew and gazillion other people wearing bunny ears and realized it's the year of BUNNY!
So we went to get a pair of bunny ears too!!
Happy New Year, PULL YOUR EAR!!!!!
Bunny J & Bunny F!
Lol victor tried to give me another pair of bunny ears but unfortunately it was cut out of the frame! Teehehee
Lol Jayden and Mus kinda look like donkeys instead of bunnies with the grey ears!!!
Partied till we drop that night. I think my feet will die early if i party every week in bkk lol! Climbed out of bed the next morning to head out the Chatukchat weekend market (a MUST-go).
Poor jacelyn was having a fever and feeling really miserable so she stayed in the hotel to rest, took the bts to Mo Chit station walked a short distance thru the park and we're there!
Shopped alone at Chatukchat, lol it's such a nice experience doing things alone in an unfamiliar environment for a change. Shopped till i can't carry anymore and cabbed back to the hotel on my own!
Tabao-ed some delicious mango sticky rice from chatukchat and nom while packing my buys into my luggage! 50 baht only super yummy~
Lol, ok look at my shopping buys.
Going to Phuket/Bangkok in May again! (: This time for diving/shopping trip. Muahahaha
Hohohoho! ok so a few weeks ago Nad, Esther, Sab and Jacelyn's all along damn shy boyf, Ben planned a surprise dinner for Jacelyn's birthday.
So sad I'm not in the planning too! Boo! Cos I'm using a stupid HTC with no whatsapp or BBM, Only got poor lousy kik messenger that always die on me! Never mind, mummy getting iphone for me in a few months in for my birthday. :D
As usual I'm damn blur la, remembered the timing wrongly so i was late for 30 min. Poor Nad/Sab had to come up with some grandmother story to stall time for me.. But they are damn zai and drama, think they secretly enjoyed it.. hehe Love you girls!! (:
Anyway we met at Ma Maison, The Central.. Love the quaint vintage feel of the decor there, and of course the food!
Nad & Sab listening to me saying.. er i dunno what crap, can't recall!
Anyway, we were like seated on the left side from the entrance of the restaurant and Ben bbm Nad saying he and our birthday girl, Jacelyn was reaching in like 3 mins..
So we went into our PAPARAZZI MODE! LOL!!!!!
PA PA PA PA PA PAPARAZZI~ WTF WTF WTF i can rmb how funny it was, we looked mad ridiculous.. and Ben's 3 minutes reaching soon turned out to be FREAKING LONG!
And we were like trying to hide.. craning our necks to see if they're here.. then giggling cos it felt so funny and talking rubbish in that position wtf.
we even have a video of us hiding and trying to surprise Jacelyn!!!
The waiter damn GCB one!!! He went to tell Ben: "er.. i think your friends are hiding from you." all that while Jacelyn is like right beside him.
WTF!!! Can't see a surprise even if it's slammed into your face or what! Goodness, luckily Jacelyn was busy looking somewhere else and she didn't hear what the waiter said!
Anywaaaaaay, here's the happy glowing birthday girl Jacelyn with her sly boyf who conspired with us. LOL!
Happy Birthday Sweetie! (:
Nom Noms:
Yummy Escargots
Food there is pretty yummy, not too expensive too!
YAY~ Cut cake! Nadnut really best at surprising people man..
Lol, not only give the birthday girl got a shock, it was so surprising i think i jumped out of my skin for 2 seconds. I didn't even notice the waiter walking over with the cake then suddenly Nadnut SHOUT/SCREAM "HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU~"
Some really really good choc fudge cake with crispy bits that Esther went to buy. Yums!
After dinner, Esther had to leave early so the rest of us went over to Chipitos bar @ Clark Quay.
They claim to be the only shooter's bar in Singapore, is it really?
Wanna share with you guys my little work space that i spend 9 hours at every day.
Recently added a mini radio/clock so i can listening to the radio cos i'm sick of listening to the same playlist everyday! I think listening to the radio makes me more more chatty and least anti-social
lol, cos when i listen to the songs i really like i obviously cannot sing out loud at the office, i guess i compensate by being more chatty.. Or .. i tend to have more things to blog about rather than being in a quiet environment. Lol
This is my "neighbour" Melle's & my mini pantry..
LOL Drawer full of food! Omg i just added another box of tomato Pretz & Quarts S'mores Muesli bars today. :/
The left side of my table is just folders, files and my workbag and all. So here's the right side of my table:
Here's my Vainpot section:
What do i have here:
Chlorophyll supplements
Herasys Hair Fragrance Spray so my hair smells yummy after a whole day of work
Ettusais Aqua Spash cos air-conditioning is super drying for the skin
Victoria Secret Body lotion & Hand Cream in Pure Seduction & Pear Glace
Bison strawberry lip balm i bought in Hong Kong
Ettusais loose powder
Lycee eye drops.
Matcha Latte, Rose tea, Candies, Cupcake cup I bought from BKK for my tea (i have a Ben & Jerry Chunkfest mug for drinking plain water!) candle i got from x'mas, precious moments post-it pad, Doremon tissue box.. lol
Minnie Mouse pen my group manager bought from HK disneyland (my pen is wearing a pretty minnie mouse bow somemore, cute!) and pom pom pen from another colleague!
I don't know about you, but it perks me up when my office table is full of cute things and my rubbish! (: End of my very random and weird post! Lol.
Is a true, long-lasting, loving relationship extinct, impossible to find anymore? Today i was chatting with my friends and i was told that they all don't bother to have long-term relationships. Ask 3 guys, 3 guys say the exact same thing.
"Just simply flirt and scandal around. Bored with this girl, dump and move on."
Like reaaaaaally? Why? It's really disappointing. What a major turn-off. I just can't stop thinking about it. Is it just because they have have tried, but they've been hurt too deeply before? Or plainly because they are men?
What happened to the love stories that I've heard? Songs about true love? Are they lies? Or is it just the difference in thinking of this generation?
Or have i just been looking at all the wrong places all this while? Or maybe I'm just too naive about this world? I'd rather be alone forever than be fooled by a guy like this.
Finally got around to blog about my 2011 New Year countdown trip to BKK, It was SO fun to hang out with Jacelyn (my roomie), Nadnut, Ccb, Victor, Mus, Jayden & Fahbian! Like totally EPICBKK BABY!
From now on I'm gonna spend all my new year countdown overseas, no more nua-ing at home and doing nothing. lol
Jacelyn & I flew over to bkk 2 days later than the rest, only went for 4D3N trip but i think it's pretty enough, honestly 4 days of crazy shopping is ENOUGH for me.
Our flight is at 7-8am, meaning we have to reach the airport inhumanely early, It seems like I'm always torturing myself by booking the earliest flight..
you know how sleeping like 3 hours is always more tiring than not sleeping at all, so i tried to stay awake the whole night, i was lying in bed and accidentally.. fell asleep, despite already setting 3 alarms, I totally OVERSLEPT.
I'll be so screwed and missed the flight if my precious Jacelyn haven't called and wake me up! Lol so overslept (just a little) too. Wtf
Shock of our lives even before we start our holiday, niceeeee..
It's a small 4* hotel really near the Chong Nansi BTS, 7-11, Macdonalds, several foodie place. Pretty accessible and all.
It was really inexpensive, i think for 3 nights Jacelyn and I paid $100 each.
Ohaiyo! We look super blah cos we FLEW out of our houses because we were both late. :x
Our comfy twin delux room for the next 3 days, ...see my tatty bear getting comfy already!
Spotless toilet!
Lol look what we found sitting just beside the hotel snacks!
Actually both of us didn't see this until the guys mentioned it. they told us they were discussing about how we two girls are gonna be using this.. this we're errrr.. both girls.
Wtf dirrrrrrrrrrty! lol
Anyway, went to meet up with the rest after settling down our luggage, comb thru our hair abit to appear less craaaaazy.
Took the BTS to Siam, omfg look at this:
It's the queue for Krispy Creme. WTF?!
Anyway it was during the new year period so the Christmas/NY's decor was still up, really pretty!So Alice in the Wonderland. Alice was in Thailand?!
Lol, from the biggest head to the smallest:
Victor, Fidelis, Mus, Nad, Fahbian, Jayden, Jacelyn who took the photo, ccb who prolly went MIA for awhile.
Thanks Mus darling for snapping a pic of my flaming red hair! :P
The boys were busy taking photos of the TIGER beer New Year Countdown decor, which i thought was pretty cool, but wasn't interested enough to go snap some pic-xys. :x
Woots Our first shopping stop!Platinum mall
Shopped like crazy man, whacked 2 pairs of heels at the first level we went to.
Bought tops, bottoms, accessories (lots of pretty and oh-so cheap earrings and all - gonna buy more on my next bkk trip which is in May!)
Saw TheBlogShop's sister brand at Platinum mall too! Lots of colourful pretty pieces that i'm wishing TBS will bring to Singapore.
Anyway, we shopped so much Jacelyn bought a HUGE pink luggage to hold all of our shopping buys, and I'm super bui pai seh cos i stuffed all my buys in also! Hahahaha
Jayden brought us to a char siew noodle stall nearby platinum mall for er.. lunch which was like arnd 4pm. lol
So happy we went there cos on our way back to Platinum mall (for MORE shopping) we all found this roadside stall selling bags that we saw at Platinum Mall selling at around 400baht?
We got it at freaking 199baht.
Woots! It's like $8-9? Totally regretted only buying one, turns out it's pretty hardy and now i bring it to work almost every single day. Bah.
Anyway, before we reached bkk the rest tried squeezing into a TUK TUK for dunno what reason, lol 6 people in a tuk tuk ok, the bkk kinda tuk tuk, not the phuket kinda longer-bigger-ish tuk tuks.
Madness! Anyway, instead of squeezing into tuk tuks, we experienced 6 people in the cab, plus a big fat pink luggage which we named Fat Bitch cos we couldn't stuff her in the boot no matter what. lol
So 6 of us plus Fat Bitch shared a cab back to Silom, to drop our shopping buys and headed out to Chinatown for some Seafood!
Outside TK Seafood @ chinatown. Taken with Jayden's film camera!
Anyway i was really excited about trying out the seafood because i've always read on Tripadvisor BKK forums that the seafood is SO good and SO fresh and just 200% mad awesome.
...and yes, i'm yet another bkk traveller who is gonna say IT'S.IS.SO.DAMN.YUMMY.FRESH.CHEAP.MAD.AWESOME!!!!!!!! hooked to their oysters man.
Freaking pot of Sharkfin soup is like $15 per pot
And SO SO SO fresh oysters at 35baht = $1.5 SGD each?
It's much FRESHER as compared as the lousy oysters at The Line Buffet@Shangri-La!!!
Step-By-Step Thai-Style Oysters!!!
Break and sprinkle the veggie thing and super yummy fried onion and lime..
And SLUUUUURPS, pop that thing into your mouth and nom nom noms ... and eat another dozen of these.
Went for the shiokest foot massage only 200baht!
after walking around chinatown while rubbing our exploding satisfied tummy, bought the local delights like "dog shit" you know the very compact pork floss delicious things?!
Yes they're called DOG SHIT! LOL such a turn off name but still so yummy!!! After the foot massage, went back to the hotel to rest for the day~